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Главная » 2012 » Март » 10 » Luxion KeyShot Pro 3.1.26
Luxion KeyShot Pro 3.1.26

KeyShot представляет собой средство интерактивной визуализации 3D сцен и моделей. Как заявляют сами разработчики это – цифровой фотоаппарат для 3D моделей, так как результат вы получаете в режиме реального времени. Учитывая, что используется глобальное освещение и материалы, основанные на реальных физических параметрах, итоговые изображения получаются фотографического качества. Программа может работать как отдельное приложение, либо как дополнение (plugin), со следующими форматами: OBJ, Autodesk Alias Maya, FBX, 3DS, Rhinoceros Plugin, SketchUp, SolidWorks, Pro/ENGINEER Plugin, ALIAS, JT.

All new animation system (optional KeyShot 3 add-on)
Rather than relying on keyframes, we have developed a new, patent-pending animation system that simplifies the creation and editing of animations for 3D data.
Setup, edit, and playback inside realtime raytraced environment
Full interaction with camera, lighting and materials during animation playback
Individual object and camera transforms
Copy and paste of animation transforms from one object to another
Animation wizard: Step by step guide for first time users
Helper objects: Select any part or assembly as rotation center
Interactive adjustment of camera transforms in timeline
Camera animation types: Orbit, Incline, Zoom, Translate
Part and object animation types: Turntable, Rotation, Translation
Fast preview output: AVI, MPEG
High quality render output: AVI, MPEG, Flash, individual frames including Alpha channel

UI Improvements
BIP file preview
Main tool bar cleanup
Dockable toolbar
Redesigned content library
In-project material library
Dialogue clean-up
Editable cameras
Overwrite protection of contetn with visual feedback
Gamma adjustment of startup environment to provide images with less contrast: All materials, textures, and environments that are being shipped with KeyShot 3 reflect this change. Existing scenes are not affected by this. When importing new textures, KeyShot will automatically make the necessary adjustments to ensure that the textures look correct under the new default Gamma setting

All new material library
Folder structure
Large interactive preview of materials
Ease drag and drop operations for reorganizing content
Import and export of materials simplified

All new material editing interaction
In-project material library: Shows all currently used materials
Interactive preview of material in editor
Clean up of parameters: Advanced parameters are always available but hidden
Consolidation of parameters: Improved and simplified useability
Texture mapping and editing: Clean up texture mapping dialog to support more texture types

For KeyShot 3, we have significantly expanded our import pipeline to include even more native file formats. All formats are now supported on PC and Mac. This makes KeyShot the first application to support file formats of leading CAD applications on both PC and Mac. New importers are:
NX 8: Support for NX 8 and prior with the ability to control tessellation
Parasolid: Support for native Parasolid files including tessellation quality
SolidWorks 2012: Support for SolidWorks 2012 and prior 32/64bit. The tessellation can now controlled upon import
Autodesk Inventor 2012: Support for Autodesk Inventor 2012 and prior
SolidEdge: Support for SolidEdge ST4 and prior with the ability to control the tessellation upon import
FBX: The FBX importer now supports part animation that can be imported and played back

Interaction with objects in scene
Interacting with objects inside the scene has been greatly improved.
Move individual parts: You can now move parts or entire subassemblies individually without having to import them separately into KeyShot
Move parts in local or global space: Parts can now be moved in global space or in their own local space base on their location in the assembly. With a simple toggle you can switch between the 2 coordinate systems
SolidWorks 2012: Support for SolidWorks 2012 and prior 32/64bit. The tessellation can now controlled upon import
Move multiple parts at once: You have the ability to select multiple parts in the realtime window (CTRL + click / CMD + click) or scene tree and move them all at once
Rename parts / layers / assemblies: All object in the scene tree can now be renamed

Texture mapping
Texture mapping has been greatly enhanced in KeyShot 3 to not only provide more flexibility, but to also make applying textures more interactive.
Specular Maps
Opacity maps
Color blending for texture and specular maps
Interactive mapping tool
Drag and drop textures with interactive feedback

Environment lighting
20 lighting environments, tuned for best lighting results for any type of product
New office lighting environment including matching backplates and matched camera scene.

New materials
400 new materials: new materials categorized by type, finish and color
1,000+ materials available for download
All KeyShot 2 materials will work in KeyShot 3

Лекарство: присутствует
Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: английский
Размер: 364 Mb

Скачать Luxion KeyShot Pro 3.1.26
Скачать Luxion KeyShot Pro 3.1.26 с letitbit.net

Скачать Luxion KeyShot Pro 3.1.26 с vip-file.com

Скачать Luxion KeyShot Pro 3.1.26 с shareflare.net

Скачать Luxion KeyShot Pro 3.1.26 с sms4file.com
Категория: Графика | Просмотров: 179 | Добавил: poster377 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |


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